Mythic League Update: New Player Models and Pause Rules

We have heard your feedback regarding the new custom player models and we have decided to make the following adjustments to our rules.

Effectively immediately (24th November) all custom player models will be banned from use during Mythic League matches.

From now through until the 1st of December if an admin is called to a game for a user with a custom model the game will be re-hosted so that the offending player can change their model (please call before any rounds are played, you have all of warmup to see what models each user has enabled).

After the 1st of December players who continue to use custom player models will receive no less than a 3 day queue ban.

I have a custom player model, how does this affect me?

If you have one of the new models, simply switch back to the original player models before queuing up!

I want to use my new models, they are cool!

We agree, they look cool, but in their current implementation they are harmful to the competitive nature of the game.

I'm going to use the models anyway

Players found to be using custom player models will receive no less than a 3 day queue ban.

Someone has a custom player model in my game, help!

If someone is using one of the new models in your game please contact an admin from the matchroom page before any rounds are completed and our admins will handle the situation accordingly.

You may also report someone after the match has ended on our support website if you did not see their custom model until rounds had been played.

The future

Hopefully in the future we can expect some things to change such as:

  1. Valve reworks the models to improve their visibility
  2. Valve allows for the models to be disabled with server side settings

As the situation develops we will discuss and adjust our stance accordingly.

Mythic Pause League

We have been aware of issues with pausing for a while now and although there are no perfect solutions we have decided to make the following changes:

  1. Tactical timeouts will be removed
  2. Manual pause time (!pause) will be reduced to 4 minutes

Our admins will be able to manually pause the game if required but do not expect this and waste your 4 minutes.

Pause Abuse rules will still apply but will be slightly modified (to be updated on our website shortly).

Thank-you for your attention and please feel free to ask any questions in the #support channel.