Mythic League Winter Update
Today we are announcing a product update for Mythic League focused on combating toxicity and alternate accounts.
One of the features that set Mythic League apart has been our private discord channels, which players get automatically placed in once teams have been chosen. The one downside has always been that it fell on players to record their own game in case there were players being toxic in discord.
To help combat this issue, we are finally able to bring to you our new Discord Recording system. All created channels will now have a bot join which automatically records every time a player speaks. The recordings are separated by player so admins who may need to review the clips will know exactly who is speaking. Players who have a toxic player in their game will still need to report them using our report system, and note the approximate rounds for admins to look at in the description section. The recordings are organized by rounds, and each match may have several hundred recordings. There are a limited amount of bots, so there may be times where the bot will join your game a little late. If all bots are in use, one will join your channel once another game ends and the bot becomes available. This also makes it very easy for Mythic League admins to see if players are not communicating during their games as well.
This feature has been in beta testing for the past month, and we have already seen a decline in the amount of toxicity reports that are submitted as well as an increase of behavioral bans.
Another issue that we are addressing with this update concerns smurf and boosted accounts. Combating smurf accounts has always been a difficult battle and while we do have many systems in place to discover these accounts, this new update will offer some protection in preventing them from joining.
We have now added minimum game requirements for Mythic Gold, Silver and Bronze. This will help us have some previous information on players before they attempt to join the hubs. To start off, we have set the requirements as follows:
- Mythic Bronze: 15 Games
- Mythic Silver: 50 Games
- Mythic Gold: 100 Games
While we don't enjoy excluding new players from joining, we feel that players should have at least some experience on the FACEIT platform before joining a more competitive environment. We will be monitoring these requirements and will make changes accordingly if needed.
The final part of this update is the return of our three day free trials. Players who have already used a free trial in the past will be able to do it again. We would love for players to see how these quality of life updates affect the games that are being played. You can sign up for your trial here:
As always, we welcome all feedback in our discord in the #feedback channel. Happy Holidays!